
This is geography homework! Is graded! Do not post DUMB stuff. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


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I think that the buildings should be more stable and better engineered.

1999 Izmit earthquake

A 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck northwestern Turkey on August 19, 1999 at about 3.01am local time. It had a rupture length of 150km extending from the city of Dunce all the way into the Sea of Marmara along the Gulf of Izmit. The Anatolian Plate, which consists of primarily of Turkey, is being pushed 2-2.5cm a year, as it is squeezed between the Eurasian Plate on the north, and both the African Plate and the Arabian Plate on the south. Major earthquakes result from slips along the NAFZ or the Eastern Anatolian fault. The official death toll is placed at 17,127 killed and 43,959 injured, but many sources suggest the actual figure may have been closer to 40,000 killed and a similar number injured. the death toll increased the following winter., due to poor conditions in shelters and streets the surviviors were living in. 120,000 poorly engineered houses were damaged beyond repair, 50,000 houses were heavily damaged, 2,0000 other buildings collapsed and 4,000 other buildings were heavily damaged. 600,000 people were left homeless. The government granted $50,000 to help.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

just testing! XDXD

TESTING TESTING 1... 2... 3...